Snapshot and restore
Required permissions
In order to perform snapshot and restore operations, the user must be assigned to the built-in SGS_MANAGE_SNAPSHOTS
Restoring a snapshot
A snapshot can only be restored if it does not contain global state and it does not contain the ‘searchguard’ index.
In order to restore indices from a snapshot that does contain global state, you need to exclude it when performing the restore. If your snapshot also contains the Search Guard index, list the indices to restore explicitly:
POST /_snapshot/my_backup/snapshot_1/_restore
"indices": "humanresources",
"include_global_state": false
It is recommended to exclude the Search Guard index from all snapshots globally.
Snapshot and Restore: Search Guard index
The Search Guard configuration index contains sensitive data like user, role and permission information.
Restoring the Search Guard configuration index from a snapshot is only allowed if an admin certificate is used.
For curl, you need to specify the admin certificate with it’s complete certificate chain and the key like:
curl --insecure --cert chain.pem --key kirk.key.pem -XPOST '<host>:9200/_snapshot/my_backup/snapshot_1/_restore?pretty'