Version: SG FLX

Get Watch API


GET /_signals/watch/{tenant}/{watch_id}

Retrieves the configuration of a watch identified by the {watch_id} path parameter.

Path Parameters

{tenant}: The name of the tenant which contains the watch to be retrieved. _main refers to the default tenant. Users of the community edition will can only use _main here.

{watch_id} The id of the watch to be retrieved. Required.


200 OK

The watch exists and the user has sufficient privileges to access it.

The return document is structured like an ElasticSearch GetDocument response with the watch configuration in the _source element. See example below.

403 Forbidden

The user does not have the required to access the endpoint for the selected tenant.

404 Not found

A watch with the given id does not exist for the selected tenant.


To access the endpoint, the user needs to have the privilege cluster:admin:searchguard:tenant:signals:watch/get for the currently selected tenant.

This permission is included in the following built-in action groups:



GET /_signals/watch/_main/bad_weather


200 OK
    "_id": "_main/bad_weather",
    "_tenant": "main",
    "found": true,
    "_version": 6,
    "_seq_no": 6,
    "_primary_term": 5,
    "_source": {
        "checks": [
                "type": "search",
                "name": "bad_weather_flights",
                "target": "bad_weather_flights",
                "request": {
                    "indices": [
                    "body": {
                        "query": {
                            "bool": {
                                "must": [
                                        "query_string": {
                                            "default_field": "DestWeather",
                                            "query": "*hunder* OR *ightning*"
                                        "range": {
                                            "timestamp": {
                                                "gte": "now-4h",
                                                "lte": "now"
                "type": "condition.script",
                "source": "data.bad_weather_flights.hits.hits.length > 10"
        "active": true,
        "_meta": {
            "last_edit": {
                "user": "admin",
                "date": "2019-09-02T06:33:30.919Z"
        "trigger": {
            "schedule": {
                "timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
                "cron": [
                    "0 */1 * * * ?"
        "log_runtime_data": false,
        "actions": [
                "type": "email",
                "name": "email",
                "throttle_period": "1h",
                "account": "default_mail",
                "to": [
                "subject": "Bad destination weather for  flights over last !",
                "text_body": "Time: \n  Flight Number: \n  Origin: \n  Destination: "

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