Version: SG FLX

Quick Start: Migrating from Search Guard 53 and before

This chapter describes how to quickly migrate legacy Search Guard configuration to the new structure. This is useful for testing - possibly as a preparatory step for updating a production cluster.

Note: If you need to update a production cluster with only minimal outage, refer to the corresponding guide.


In order to perform the migration, you need the following:

  • The file sg_config.yml from the existing Elasticsearch setup.
  • Sometimes, sg_config.yml references further files, such as PEM files. You need these as well.
  • If you are also using Kibana, you need the file kibana.yml from the config directory of the existing Kibana setup.
  • A system to run the test setup. This can a remote system or your local computer.
  • You need to download the sgctl tool. It does not require any special installation, just copy it to a suitable place and execute it.

Migrating the configuration

Open a shell and perform the following steps:

  • Create a work directly
  • Call sgctl migrate-config /path/to/legacy/sg_config.yml /path/to/legacy/kibana.yml -o /path/to/your/work/directory. Be sure to specify the correct paths to the files sg_config.yml and kibana.yml. If you are using Elasticsearch 7.11 or newer, additionally specify the option --target-platform es711. If you are not using Kibana, just omit the path to kibana.yml.
  • sgctl will now create new configuration files and print additional information to the console. Carefully review the printed information and the produced configuration.
  • The new Search Guard version requires that users who shall be allowed to log into Kibana have a certain privilege. If your users are mapped to the role SGS_KIBANA_USER (which was already a recommended practice before), the users will automatically have that privilege. If your users are not mapped to the role, you need to edit your role mapping accordingly.
  • Start your Elasticsearch test instance and upload the newly generated config files using sgctl. These will be sg_authc.yml and - depending on the configuration - a couple of further files.
  • Copy the new kibana.yml to the config directory of the Kibana test instance and start Kibana.

Testing the configuration


If you are using password-based authentication, just open in your favorite web browser.

If you are experiencing issues, you can switch on debug mode. For this, either edit sg_authc.yml, add debug: true to the top level and upload the file using sgctl. Alternatively, just use this command:

$ ./ set authc debug --true

You can then open the URL to see detailed information on what is going on during the login process.

Note: This mode might reveal sensitive data. Only use this mode on test clusters. Do not forget to switch the debug mode off before going into production.

More on this: Debugging the authc configuration.


For testing the configuration, just open the Kibana test instance in your favorite web browser.

You can also enable a debug mode for Kibana. Use the following command:

$ ./ set frontend_config debug --true

When debug mode is active, again open Kibana in your browser and try to log in. If you encounter a login failure, you should see more detailed information about the login process.

More more details refer to the Troubleshooting section.

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