Version: SG FLX

JWT Authentication Advanced Configuration

This chapter lists all advanced configuration options for OIDC. Most of them are only needed for specific setups.

JWK sources

You can configure the sources of signing keys using the following options:

jwt.signing.jwks_endpoint.url: An endpoint which serves JWKS documents. Search Guard will automatically refresh the document whenever an unknown key (identified by the kid claim) is encountered.

jwt.signing.jwks_endpoint.tls: TLS settings for the endpoint. See common TLS settings below.

jwt.signing.jwks_endpoint.proxy: If you need an HTTP proxy to connect to the endpoint, you can specify the proxy here as an HTTP URL.

jwt.signing.jwks_from_openid_configuration.url: An OIDC .well-known/openid-configuration endpoint which is used to retrieve keys as JWKS. Search Guard will automatically refresh the JWKS document whenever an unknown key (identified by the kid claim) is encountered.

jwt.signing.jwks_from_openid_configuration.tls: TLS settings for the endpoint. See See common TLS settings below.

jwt.signing.jwks_from_openid_configuration.proxy: If you need an HTTP proxy to connect to the endpoint, you can specify the proxy here as an HTTP URL.

JWT headers and parameters

By default, Search Guard will look at the HTTP Authorization header with a Bearer scheme to extract the JWT. You can also configure other sources.

jwt.header: The HTTP header in which the token is transmitted. This is typically the Authorization header with the Bearer schema: Authorization: Bearer <token>. Default is Authorization.

jwt.url_parameter: If the token is not transmitted in the HTTP header, but as an URL parameter, define the name of this parameter here.

Common TLS settings

The tls settings mentioned above offer the following configuration options:

tls.trusted_cas: The root certificates to trust when connecting to the IdP. You can specify the certificates in PEM format inline or specify an absolute pathname using the syntax #{file:/path/to/certificate.pem}.

tls.enabled_protocols: The enabled TLS protocols. Defaults to ["TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.1"].

tls.enabled_ciphers: The enabled TLS cipher suites.

tls.verify_hostnames: Whether to verify the host names of the IdP’s TLS certificate or not. Default: true.

tls.trust_all: Disable all certificate checks. You should only use this for quick tests. Never use this for production systems.

tls.start_tls: Use StartTLS to initiate the TLS connection to the remote host.

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