Version: SG FLX

Advanced options

Allowed client IPs

In some cases it might be necessary to only allow certain IP subnets to authenticate at your Elasticsearch cluster. For this purpose, you can define global accept and deny rules for IP addresses in sg_authc.yml and sg_authc_transport.yml.

Note: By default, all IPs are allowed to connect. However, if you specify any of the accept options, all IPs not covered by the accept options will be denied.

network.accept.ips: Specifies the IPs which are allowed to authenticate using a list of CIDR expressions. The addresses tested here are the IPs of the directly connecting peers. If you have configured network.trusted_proxies, you can also use network.accept.originating_ips to check the IP addresses of the client where the request actually originated from.

network.accept.originating_ips: Specifies the IPs which are allowed to authenticate using a list of CIDR expressions. The addresses tested here are the IPs of the clients where the request actually originated from. This requires that network.trusted_proxies is configured.

network.accept.trusted_ips: Set this to true to accept only direct connections from IPs configured in network.trusted_proxies.

network.deny.ips: Specifies the IPs which are not allowed to authenticate using a list of CIDR expressions. The addresses tested here are the IPs of the directly connecting peers. The deny options are evaluated after the accept options; thus, you can use deny options only to further restrict the settings done by the accept options.

network.deny.originating_ips: Specifies the IPs which are not allowed to authenticate using a list of CIDR expressions. The addresses tested here are the IPs of the clients where the request actually originated from. This requires that network.trusted_proxies is configured.

User cache settings

Search Guard uses a cache to store the user information of authenticated users. This way, it avoids having to query authentication backends for each request, which might be costly.

By default, the cache contents expire two minutes after they have been written.

The settings of the cache can be adjusted by using the following configuration properties in sg_authc.yml and sg_authc_transport.yml:

user_cache.enabled: Controls whether a cache shall be used or not. Default: true

user_cache.expire_after_write: Specifies that entries shall be removed from the cache a certain time after these were written. Use a duration expression in the format duration h|m|s. Defaults to 2m, which means 2 minutes.

user_cache.expire_after_access: Specifies that entries shall be removed from the cache if they have not been accessed for a certain time. Use a duration expression in the format duration h|m|s. By default, there is no access-based expiry.

user_cache.max_size: The maximum number of entries in the cache. Defaults to 1000 entries.

The cache can be flushed manually with sgctl

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