Version: SG FLX

Mapping users to Search Guard roles

This guide assumes that you have already installed Search Guard in your cluster using the demo installer.

Roles mapping concept

In the last two chapters we created new Search Guard users and Search Guard roles.

As a next step, we need to connect the users with the Search Guard roles. This is where the roles mapping come into play. In order to map a user to a Search Guard role, you can use

  • the username
  • the user’s backend roles
  • the hostname or IP the request originated from (advanced)

The most flexible way is to use backend roles. Depending on what authentication method you use, backend roles can be:

  • LDAP/Active Directory groups
  • JWT claims
  • SAML assertions
  • Internal user database backend roles

Since we leverage the internal user database in this example, we will use the backend roles we configured in the first chapter.

Recap: Backend roles of the users

In the first chapter of this guide we configured three users. Two of them have the backend role hr_department one has the backend role devops .

  hash: $2y$12$AwwN1fn0HDEw/LBCwWU0y.Ys6PoKBL5pR.WTYAIV92ld7tA8kozqa
    - hr_department

  hash: $2y$12$YOVZhJ.gbZOAoGyd9YGNMuw7rWYTfB73n8OGBLtsrihMkW5rg5D1G
    - hr_department

  hash: $2y$12$3UFikPXIZLoHcsDGD0hyqOvxjytdXeRkefIF1M58jA5oueSDKthzu
    - devops

We want to assign

  • all users that have the backend role hr_department to the Search Guard role sg_human_resources
  • all users that have the backend role devops to the Search Guard role sg_devops

Configuring the roles mapping

The mapping between users and Search Guard roles is configured in the sg_roles_mapping.yml file. The structure is straight-forward:

<Search Guard role name>:
    - <username>
    - ...
    - <rolename>
    - ...
    - <hostname>
    - ...

We use the backend roles of the users configured in sg_internal_users.yml and thus define like the roles mapping like:

    - hr_department

    - devops

This in effect maps the user jdoe and psmith to the Search Guard role sg_human_resources because they have the backend role hr_department.

And it maps the user cmaddock to the Search Guard role sg_devops because the user has the backend role devops.

Uploading configuration changes

In order to activate the changed configuration, we need to upload it to the Search Guard configuration index by using the sgctl command line tool:

./ update-config /path/to/changed/config_files/

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