Put Account API
PUT /_signals/account/{account_type}/{account_id}
Stores or updates an account of type {account_type}
identified by the {account_id}
path parameter.
Path Parameters
{account_type} The type of the account to be stored. Required.
{account_id} The id of the account to be stored. Required.
Request Body
The account needs to be specified as JSON document in the request body.
See the chapter accounts for details on the structure of accounts.
200 OK
An account identified by the given id existed before. The account was successfully updated.
201 Created
An account identified by the given id did not exist before. The account was successfully created.
400 Bad Request
The request was malformed.
If the account specified in the request body was malformed, a JSON document containing detailed validation errors will be returned in the response body. See TODO for details.
403 Forbidden
The user does not have the permission to create accounts.
415 Unsupported Media Type
The account was not encoded as JSON document. Accounts need to be sent using the media type application/json.
For being able to access the endpoint, the user needs to have the privilege cluster:admin:searchguard:signals:account/put
This permission is included in the following built-in action groups:
PUT /_signals/account/email/default
"host": "mail.mycompany.example",
"port": 587,
"enable_tls": true,
"default_from": "signals@mycompany.example.com",
"default_bcc": "signals@mycompany.example.com"
201 Created
PUT /_signals/account/slack/default
"url": "https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
201 Created
Invalid data
PUT /_signals/account/email/test
"port": 587,
"enable_tls": true,
"default_from": "signals@mycompany.example.com",
"default_bcc": "@"
400 Bad Request
"status": 400,
"error": "2 errors; see detail.",
"detail": {
"host": [
"error": "Required attribute is missing"
"default_bcc": [
"error": "Invalid value",
"value": "@",
"expected": "E-mail address"