Version: SG FLX

Password-based authentication for Kibana

This approach is the most simple and most commonly used authentication type. If a user tries to access Kibana:

  • Search Guard checks whether the user has an active session with valid username/password credentials
  • If so, the user is allowed to access Kibana and the underlying Elasticsearch cluster.
  • If the user does not have an active session, Search Guard will show a login form. The user now has to log in using their username and password.

This approach can be used to authenticate users using the Search Guard internal user database or using LDAP.

Suppose the Search Guard Elasticsearch backend has been already configured with username/password-based authentication. In that case, this should also work out of the box for Kibana.
You only have to make sure that users who are supposed to log into Kibana have the role SGS_KIBANA_USER.

To verify the configuration for this approach, follow the steps described in the following sections.

Search Guard Setup

Ensure that you configured authentication domains of type basic in the Search Guard sg_authc or sg_config configuration. In most cases, you already created this configuration when configuring the Elasticsearch backend.

For the internal user database, such an entry in sg_authc.yml might look like this:

  - type: basic/internal_users_db

See the chapters on the Search Guard internal user database and LDAP for more details on setting up such auth domains.

The Kibana-specific part of the authentication configuration is done in the file sg_frontend_authc.yml. By default, this file contains this entry:

  - type: basic
    label: "Login"

This makes Kibana use the username/password-based authentication domains available in the backend.

Username/password-based authentication requires no specific settings in the kibana.yml configuration file.

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