Version: SG FLX

OpenID Connect Quick Start

You can use the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol to authenticate users in Kibana using external Identity Providers (IdP).

This chapter describes the basic setup of OIDC with Search Guard. This will work in most cases. However, some setups require special configurations for TLS, proxies, or similar things. Please refer to the section Advanced Configuration for this.


To use OIDC, you need to have an Identity Provider (IdP) supporting OIDC. Furthermore, HTTPS must be configured for Kibana.

IdP Setup

First, create a new client representing your Kibana installation in your Identity Provider. The exact procedure for this is specific to the IdP. When configuring the client, you must make sure that the following settings are configured like this:

  • Root URL: The base URL of the Kibana instance. For example,
  • Valid Redirect URLs. For example,

  • Also, you need to make sure that the roles of a user are mapped to a JWT claim.

  • All users who are supposed to log in to Kibana must have certain privileges. If you use the default sg_roles_mapping.yml configuration, just make sure that the IdP assigns the role kibanauser to the users who shall be able to log in. The default sg_roles_mapping.yml then maps this to the Search Guard role SGS_KIBANA_USER. If you are not using the default sg_roles_mapping you need to make sure that it maps SGS_KIBANA_USER to a suitable backend role provided by the IdP.

You need to keep a couple of values from the IdP setup ready for the next step. These values are:

  • The client id
  • The client secret
  • The name of the OIDC ID token claim to which you mapped the roles
  • The URL of the OIDC configuration endpoint. This URL generally looks like this: https://your.idp/.../.well-known/openid-configuration

Search Guard Setup

Now you need to edit the sg_frontend_authc.yml file.

The default version of this file contains an entry for password-based authentication:

  - type: basic

If you don’t want to use password-based authentication, replace the entry - type: basic by the new configuration. If you want to continue to use password-based authentication besides OIDC, just add the new configuration below. The following examples assume that you have removed the password-based authentication.

The minimal sg_frontend_authc.yml configuration for OIDC looks like this:

  - type: oidc
    oidc.client_id: "my-kibana-client"
    oidc.client_secret: "client-secret-from-idp"
    oidc.idp.openid_configuration_url: "https://your.idp/.../.well-known/openid-configuration"
    user_mapping.roles.from_comma_separated_string: "oidc_id_token.roles"

You need to replace the values for client_id, client_secret and idp.openid_configuration_url by the values configured in the IdP. In the user_mapping.roles config option, specify a JSON path expression to access the roles inside the OIDC ID token retrieved from the IdP. The attribute oidc_id_token is initialized with the claims retrieved from the ID token.

Kibana Setup

To use OIDC with Kibana it is necessary to configure the external URL of Kibana in the file config/kibana.yml in your Kibana installation.

For Kibana 7.11 and newer versions, you can use the built-in setting server.publicBaseUrl:

server.publicBaseUrl: ""

For older versions of Kibana, please use the setting searchguard.frontend_base_url:

searchguard.frontend_base_url: ""

Furthermore, the OIDC protocol requires specific settings for the cookies used by Search Guard (For background information on this, see this blog post at To achieve this, add the following settings to kibana.yml:

searchguard.cookie.isSameSite: None true

Activate the Setup

To activate the setup, do the following:

  • If you edited kibana.yml, ensure that you restart the Kibana instance.
  • Use sgctl to upload the new sg_frontend_authc.yml file to Search Guard.

That’s it. If you navigate in a browser to your Kibana instance, you should be directed to the IdP login page.

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