Version: Search Guard 5 / This is an older version of Search Guard. Switch to Latest version

REST management API

This module adds the capability of managing users, roles, roles mapping and action groups via a REST Api.


Download the REST management API enterprise module:

REST API module

<ES installation directory>/plugins/search-guard-5

After that, restart all nodes to activate the module.


The Search Guard index can only be accessed with an admin certificate. This is the same certificate that you use when executing sgadmin.

In order for Search Guard to pick up this certificate on the REST layer, you need to set the clientauth_mode in elasticsearch.yml to either OPTIONAL or REQUIRE:

searchguard.ssl.http.clientauth_mode: OPTIONAL

If you plan to use the REST API via a browser, you will need to install the admin certificate in your browser. This varies from browser to browser, so please refer to the documentation of your browser-of-choice to learn how to do that.

For curl, you need to specify the admin certificate with it’s complete certificate chain, and also the key:

curl --insecure --cert chain.pem --key kirk.key.pem "<API Endpoint>"

If you use the example PKI scripts provided by Search Guard SSL, the kirk.key.pem is already generated for you. You can generate the chain file by cating the certificate and the ca chain file:

cd search-guard-sll
cat example-pki-scripts/kirk.crt.pem example-pki-scripts/ca/chain-ca.pem > chain.pem

General usage and return values

The API provides GET, PUT and DELETE handlers for users, roles, roles mapping and action groups. The general format is:

/_searchguard/api/<configuration type>/{resource name}

The configuration type can be one of:

  • internalusers
  • rolesmapping
  • roles
  • actiongroups

The resource name specifies the entry in the configuration type you want to operat on. In case of the internal user database, it specifies a user. In case of roles, it specifies the role name, and so on.

The API returns the following HTTP status codes:

  • 200: A resource was modified succesfully
  • 201: A resource was created
  • 400: The request could not be processed
  • 404: The resource could not be found

The response body has the format:

  "status":<HTTP status code>,

The last three entries are returned if you PUT a new resource but the content is malformed. invalid_keys is used when the content contains invalid keys. missing_mandatory_keys is used when a mandatory key is missing. Andspecify_one_of is used when the content is missing a key.

Get Configuration API



Where configname can be one of

  • config
  • internalusers
  • rolesmapping
  • roles
  • actiongroups


GET /_searchguard/api/configuration/{configname}

A successful call returns a JSON structure containing the complete settings for the requested configuration, for example:

  "sg_role_starfleet" : {
    "backendroles" : [ "starfleet", "captains", "cn=ldaprole,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com" ],
    "hosts" : [ "*" ],
    "users" : [ "worf" ]

User API

Used to receive, create, update and delete users. Users are added to the internal user database. It only makes sense to use this if you use internal as the authentication_backend.



Where username is the name of the user.


GET /_searchguard/api/user/{username}

Returns the settings for the respective user in JSON format, for example:

GET /_searchguard/api/user/kirk
  "kirk" : {
    "hash" : "$2a$12$xZOcnwYPYQ3zIadnlQIJ0eNhX1ngwMkTN.oMwkKxoGvDVPn4/6XtO",
    "roles" : [ "captains", "starfleet" ]


DELETE /_searchguard/api/user/{username}

Deletes the user specified by username. If successful, the call returns with status code 200 and a JSON success message.

DELETE /_searchguard/api/user/kirk
  "message":"user kirk deleted."


PUT /_searchguard/api/user/{username}

Replaces or creates the user specified by username.

PUT /_searchguard/api/user/kirk
  "hash": "$2a$12$xZOcnwYPYQ3zIadnlQIJ0eNhX1ngwMkTN.oMwkKxoGvDVPn4/6XtO",
  "password": "kirk",
  "roles": ["captains", "starfleet"]

You need to specify either hash or password. hash is the hashed user password. You can either use an already hashed password (“hash” field) or provide it in clear text (“password”). (We never store clear text passwords.) In the latter case it is hashed automatically before storing it. If both are specified,hash takes precedence.

roles contains an array of the user’s backend roles. This is optional. If the call is succesful, a JSON structure is returned, indicating whether the user was created or updated.

  "message":"User kirk created"

Roles mapping API

Used to receive, create, update and delete the mapping of users, backendroles and hosts to Search Guard roles.



Where rolename is the name of the role.


GET /_searchguard/api/rolesmapping/{rolename}

Retrieve a role mapping, specified by rolename, in JSON format.

GET /_searchguard/api/rolesmapping/sg_role_starfleet
  "sg_role_starfleet" : {
    "backendroles" : [ "starfleet", "captains", "defectors", "cn=ldaprole,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com" ],
    "hosts" : [ "*" ],
    "users" : [ "worf" ]


DELETE /_searchguard/api/rolesmapping/{rolename}

Deletes the rolemapping specified by rolename. If successful, the call returns with status code 200 and a JSON success message.

DELETE /_searchguard/api/rolesmapping/sg_role_starfleet
  "message":"rolesmapping sg_role_starfleet deleted."


PUT /_searchguard/api/rolesmapping/{rolename}

Replaces or creates the role mapping specified by rolename .

PUT /_searchguard/api/rolesmapping/sg_role_starfleet
  "backendroles" : [ "starfleet", "captains", "defectors", "cn=ldaprole,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com" ],
  "hosts" : [ "*" ],
  "users" : [ "worf" ]

You need to specify at least one of backendroles, hosts or users.

If the call is succesful, a JSON structure is returned, indicating whether the roles mapping was created or updated.

  "message":"rolesmapping sg_role_starfleet created."

Roles API

Used to receive, create, update and delete roles and their respective permissions.



Where rolename is the name of the role.


Get a single role

GET /_searchguard/api/roles/{rolename}

Retrieve a role and its permissions, specified by rolename, in JSON format.

GET /_searchguard/api/roles/sg_role_starfleet
  "sg_role_starfleet" : {
    "indices" : {
      "pub*" : {
        "*" : [ "READ" ]
        "_dls_": "{ \"bool\": { \"must_not\": { \"match\": { \"Designation\": \"CEO\"  }}}}",
        "_fls_": [

Get all roles

GET /_searchguard/api/roles/{rolename}

Returns all roles in JSON format.


DELETE /_searchguard/api/roles/{rolename}

Deletes the role specified by rolename. If successful, the call returns with status code 200 and a JSON success message.

DELETE /_searchguard/api/roles/sg_role_starfleet
  "message":"role sg_role_starfleet deleted."


PUT /_searchguard/api/roles/{rolename}

Replaces or creates the role specified by rolename .

PUT /_searchguard/api/rolesmapping/sg_role_starfleet
  "cluster" : [ "*" ],
  "indices" : {
    "pub*" : {
      "*" : [ "READ" ],
      _dls_: "{ \"bool\": { \"must_not\": { \"match\": { \"Designation\": \"CEO\"}}}}"
      _fls_: ["field1", "field2"]

The JSON format resembles the format used in sg_roles.yml:

  "cluster" : [ "<cluster permission>", "<cluster permission>", ... ],
  "indices" : {
    "<indexname>" : {
      "<typename>" : [ "<index/type permission>", "<index/type permission>", ... ],
      "_dls_": "<DLS query>"
      "_fls_": ["field", "field"]
    "<indexname>" : {
      "<typename>" : [ "<index/type permission>", "<index/type permission>", ... ],

If you’re using DLS in the role definition, make sure to escape the quotes correctly!

If the call is succesful, a JSON structure is returned, indicating whether the role was created or updated.

  "message":"role sg_role_starfleet created."

Action groups API

Used to receive, create, update and delete action groups.



Where actiongroup is the name of the role.


GET /_searchguard/api/actiongroup/{actiongroup}

Returns the settings for the respective action group in JSON format, for example:

GET /_searchguard/api/actiongroup/SEARCH
  "SEARCH" : [ "indices:data/read/search*", "indices:data/read/msearch*", "SUGGEST" ]


DELETE /_searchguard/api/actiongroup/{actiongroup}

Deletes the action group specified by actiongroup . If successful, the call returns with status code 200 and a JSON success message.

DELETE /_searchguard/api/actiongroup/SEARCH
  "message":"actiongroup SEARCH deleted."


PUT /_searchguard/api/actiongroup/{actiongroup}

Replaces or creates the action group specified by actiongroup .

PUT /_searchguard/api/actiongroup/SEARCH
  "permissions": ["indices:data/read/search*", "indices:data/read/msearch*", "SUGGEST" ]

The field permissions is mandatory and contains permissions or references to other action groups.

  "message":"action group SEARCH created"

Cache API

Used to manage the Search Guard internal user, authentication and authorization cache.




DELETE /_searchguard/api/cache

Flushes the Search Guard cache.

  "message":"Cache flushed successfully."