Version: Search Guard 5 / This is an older version of Search Guard. Switch to Latest version

Using and defining action groups

An action group is simply a collection of permissions with a telling name. Action groups are defined in the file sg_action_groups.yml and can be referred to in sg_roles.yml. Action groups can be nested.

The file structure is very simple:

<action group name>:
    - '<permission or action groups>'
    - '<permission or action group>'
    - ...

Using action groups is the preferred way of assigning permissions to a role.

Pre-defined action groups

Search Guard ships with a list of pre-defined action groups that are suitable for most use cases.


Name Description
UNLIMITED Grants complete access, can be used on index- and cluster-level. Equates to "*".

Index-level action groups

Name Description
INDICES_ALL Grants all permissions on the index. Equates to indices:*
GET Grants permission to use get and mget actions (only)
READ Grants read permissions like get, mget or getting field mappings, but exludes search permissions
WRITE Grants write permissions to documents
DELETE Grants permission to delete documents
CRUD Combines the READ, WRITE and DELETE action groups
SEARCH Grants permission to search documents
SUGGEST Grants permission to use the suggest API. Already included in the READ action group.
CREATE_INDEX Grants permission to create indices and mappings
INDICES_MONITOR Grants permission to execute all actions regarding index monitoring, e.g. recovery, segments info, index stats & status
MANAGE_ALIASES Grants permission to manage aliases
MANAGE Grants all monitor and index administration permissions

Cluster-level action groups

Name Description
CLUSTER_ALL Grants all cluster permissions. Equates to cluster:*
CLUSTER_MONITOR Grants all cluster monitoring permissions. Equates to cluster:monitor/*
CLUSTER_COMPOSITE_OPS_RO Grants read-only permissions to execute multi requests like mget, msearch or mtv, plus permission to query for aliases.
CLUSTER_COMPOSITE_OPS Same as CLUSTER\_COMPOSITE\_OPS\_RO, but also grants bulk write permissions and all aliases permissions.
MANAGE_SNAPSHOTS Grants full permissions to manage snapshots and repositories.

Multi- and bulk requests

To execute mult- and bulk requests, the respective user needs to have

  • multi and/or bulk permission on cluster level.
  • the respective permission(s) on index level

For example, if a user exeuctes a bulk request containing a delete request for index1 and an update request for index2, three permissions are required

  • bulk permission on cluster level
  • delete permission for index1
  • write permission for index2

Defining your own action groups

You can define your own action groups in sg_action_groups.yml. You can use any name you want. And you can also reference an action group from within another action group:

  - "indices:data/read/search*"
  - "indices:data/read/msearch*"
  - "indices:data/read/suggest*"

In this case, the action group SEARCH includes the (wildcarded) search* and msearch* permissions, and also all permissions defined by the action group SUGGEST.

You can then reference these action groups in the file sg_roles.yml simply by name:

        - SEARCH