Version: 7.x-52.5.0
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Document-level security

Document-level security restricts a user’s access to certain documents within an index. To enable document-level security you configure an Elasticsearch query that defines which documents are accessible and which not. Only documents matching this query will be visible for the role that the DLS is defined for.

The query supports the full range of the Elasticsearch query DSL, and you can also use user attributes to make the query dynamic. This is a powerful feature to implement access permissions to documents based on user attributes stored in Active Directory / LDAP or a JSON web token.


Let’s imagine we have an index called humanresources. This index contains documents with type employees, and these documents have a field called department. We want to define a query that allows access to all employee documents, except those where the department is set to “Management”.

The respective query to filter these documents in regular query DSL would look like:

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must_not": { "match": { "department": "Management" }}

You can use this query to define the DLS in sg_roles.yml:

    - index_patterns:
      - 'humanresources'
        - ...
      dls: '{ "bool": { "must_not": { "match": { "department": "Management" }}}}'

If a user has the role hr_employee, Search Guard now filters all documents where the department field is set to “Management” from any search result before passing it back to the user.

The format of the query is the same as if it was used in a search request. The specified query expects the same format as if it was defined in the search request and supports ELasticsearch’s full Query DSL.

This means that you can make the DSL query as complex as you want, but since it has to be executed for each query, this, of course, comes with a small performance penalty.

Dynamic queries: Variable substitution

Search Guard supports variables in the DLS query. With this feature, you can write dynamic queries based on the current users’s attributes.


You can use the variable ${} in the DLS query, and Search Guard will replace it with the username of the currently logged in user.

Let’s imagine that each employee document has a field called manager, which contains the username of the employee’s manager. Each logged in user should only have access to employees he manages. You can do so by defining:

    - index_patterns:
      - 'humanresources'
        - ...
      dls: '{"term" : {"manager" : ${|toJson}}}'

Before the DLS query is applied to the result set, ${|toJson} is replaced by the currently logged in user. The pipe character introduces a function which processes the value of the user name. The function toJson converts the user name string to JSON format. This ensures that the user name is quoted and properly escaped. You can use this variable repeatedly in the DLS query if required.

User Roles

You can use the variable ${user.roles} in the DLS query, and Search Guard will replace it with a comma-delimited list of the backend roles of the current user.

Let’s imagine that each employee document has an array field called role, which contains backend role names and at least one of them is needed to access this document. You can do so by defining:

    - index_patterns:
      - 'humanresources'
        - ...
      dls: '{"terms" : { "role" : ${user.roles|toJson}}}'

Before the DLS query is applied to the result set, ${user.roles|toJson} is replaced the JSON representation of the array containing the backend roles of the current user. You can use this variable repeatedly in the DLS query if required.

User Attributes

Any authentication and authorization domain can provide additional user attributes that you can use for variable substitution in DLS queries.

For this, the auth domains need to configure a mapping from attributes specific to the particular domain to Search Guard user attributes. See the documentation of the respective auth method for details and examples:

If you’re unsure what attributes are available, you can always access the /_searchguard/authinfo REST endpoint to check. The endpoint will list all attribute names for the currently logged in user.

Note: The attribute mapping mechanism described here supersedes the old mechanism which would automatically provide all attributes from the authentication domain under the prefix ${attr....}. The old mechanism is now deprecated but still supported.

JWT Example

Suppose a JWT which contains a claim department:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "roles": "admin, devops",
    "name": "operations",
    "number": "17"

Then, you need to map it to a Search Guard user attribute in the JWT authenticator configuration:

  http_enabled: true
  order: 0
    type: jwt
    challenge: false
        department: department.number

Afterwards, you can use it like this in a DLS query:

    - index_patterns:
      - 'humanresources'
        - ...
      dls: '{"term" : {"department" : ${user.attr.department|toJson}}}'

The DLS query in this case will only return documents where the department field equals the department.number claim in the users JWT. In this case, it only returns documents where the department field equals 17.

You can also combine multiple variables and username substitution in the same DLS query.

Subtitution Variable Functionality

Substitution variables are always enclosed in the characters ${ and }. Inside the brackets, you specify the attribute name, optionally followed by a chain of operations on the attribute value.

The pipe character | followed by a function name causes the attribute value to be processed by the function. You can arbitrarily chain functions.

Available functions are:

|toJson: Converts the value to a string in JSON format. If the value is a string, it will be properly quoted and escaped. If the value is a number, it will be left untouched. If the value is an object or array, it will be converted into the corresponding JSON syntax.

|toString: Converts the value to a simple string format. If the value is a string, it will be left without quotes.

|toList: Makes sure that the value is a list (or, in JSON terms, an array). If the value is already a list, it will be left unchanged. If the value is a single value, it will be converted to a list containing the single value. You can use this function to ensure that the substituted value is always a list.

|head: Extracts the first element of a list. If the current value is not a list, the current value is left unchanged. If the current value is an empty list, the current value will be changed to null. You can use this function to ensure that the substituted value is always a scalar value.

|tail: Extracts all but the first element of a list. If the current value is not a list, the current value will be set to an empty list.

Additionally, you can use the ?: operator to provide a value in case the current value is unset, resp. null. The value to be used in this case is specified after the ?: in JSON syntax. You can use the ?: operator at any place between other operations.

It is recommended to use the ?: operator for all cases where it is not absolutely sure that a value is always present. If an attribute is unset and no fallback is provided by ?:, the ES operation triggering the DLS query will be aborted with an error.


${user.attr.department?:["17"]|toList|toJson}: Provides a list/array of departments in JSON format. If the attribute user.attr.department is not defined, an array containing the string "17" is provided.

${|head?:"nobody@nowhere"|toJson}: Extracts the first element from the list stored by the attribute If the attribute is unset, nobody@nowhere will be used as fallback value. Additionally, if the attribute contains an empty list, the |head function will change the current value to null; thus, also in this case the ?: operator will provide "nobody@nowhere" as a fallback.

${|tail|head?:0|toJson}: Extracts the second element of a list and converts it to JSON format. If there is no second element, 0 is returned.

Document-level security in complex role and privilege configurations

A user can be member of more than one role, and each role can potentially define a different DLS query and different privileges for the same index. This has the potential to produce quite confusing security configuration structures.

Thus, we are recommending to follow a number of rules to keep the security configuration as clear as possible:

  • Do not define roles in a way that one user has more than one DLS queries per index.
  • To achieve this, it helps to keep the scope of roles using DLS limited to a single index (or only a set of related indices).

Also, be sure that a user with DLS/FLS-restricted access to an index does not have write access to the same index. Otherwise, this user could modify, delete or update documents they are not allowed to view. To achieve this, take care to obey the following rules:

  • Do not mix roles which grant write access with roles which use DLS.
  • If necessary, use exclude_index_permissions (see Permission Exclusions for the actions SGS_WRITE.

Multiple roles and document-level security

If Search Guard encounters users which have more than one role with a DLS query for the same index, all DLS queries are collected and combined with the logical OR operator.

If a user has a role that defines DLS restrictions on an index, and another role that does not place any DLS restrictions on the same index, the restrictions defined in the first role still apply.

You can change that behaviour so that a role that places no restrictions on an index removes any restrictions from other roles. This can be enabled in elasticsearch.yml:

searchguard.dfm_empty_overrides_all: true

Performance considerations

A DLS query can be as simple or complex as necessary, and you can use the full range of Elasticsearch’s query DSL. Regarding the performance overhead, think of the DLS query as an additional query executed on top of your original one.

DLS/FLS Execution Order

If you use both DLS and FLS, all fields that you are basing the DLS query on must be visible, i.e. not filtered by FLS. Otherwise, your DLS query will not work properly.

Advanced Topics

DLS Execution Modes

Since Search Guard 52, there are two execution modes for DLS:

  • Lucene-level DLS, which is the default, is performed by modifying Lucene queries and data structures. This is the most efficient mode. However, it is unable to support certain advanced constructs used in DLS queries; most importantly, this includes term lookup queries.
  • Filter-level DLS is performed at the top level of the Elastic stack by modifying queries directly after they have been received by Elasticsearch. This allows the use of term lookup queries (TLQ) inside of DLS queries, but limits the set of operations that can be used to retrieve data from the protected index to get, search, mget, msearch. Also, the use of Cross Cluster Searches is limited in this mode.

By default, Search Guard switches automatically between the modes depending on the DLS queries configured for the index. If a term-lookup query is present, DLS will be performed in filter-level mode. Otherwise, lucene-level mode will be used.

It is however possible to configure Search Guard to always use one specific mode, regardless of the used queries. This can be achieved using the setting searchguard.dls.mode which must be configured in elasticsearch.yml on each node of the Elasticsearch cluster.

The setting searchguard.dls.mode has three possible values:

  • adaptive (default): DLS queries without TLQ queries will be executed on the Lucene level. This corresponds to the behaviour in previous Search Guard versions. If a term lookup query is configured as DLS query, Search Guard will automatically switch to filter-level DLS for operations involving the particular index. If there are other non-TLQ DLS queries configured for the same index, these queries will be also enforced on the filter level. Actions operating exclusively on indexes with non-TLQ DLS queries will however still use Lucene level DLS.
  • lucene_level: Forces all DLS queries to be enforced on Lucene level. This completely corresponds to the DLS operation of Search Guard versions before 52. DLS queries using TLQ will fail using this mode.
  • filter_level: Forces all DLS queries to be enforced on filter level.

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