Version: 7.x-46.0.0
This is an older version of Search Guard. Switch to Latest version

Put Watch API


PUT /_signals/watch/{tenant}/{watch_id}

Stores or updates a watch identified by the {watch_id} path parameter. By default, the watch will be active and scheduled for execution.

Important When a watch is created or updated, a snapshot of the privileges of the user performing the operation will be stored with the watch. When the stored watch is executed, it will have exactly these privileges. If a user modifies a watch created by another user, the user must ensure that they still have enough privileges to allow successful execution of the watch. See also the chapter on the security execution context.

Path Parameters

{tenant}: The name of the tenant in which the watch shall be stored. _main refers to the default tenant. Users of the community edition will can only use _main here.

{watch_id} The id of the watch to be created or updated. Required.

Request Body

The watch needs to be specified as JSON document in the request body.


200 OK

A watch identified by the given id existed before. The watch was successfully updated.

201 Created

A watch identified by the given id did not exist before. The watch was successfully created.

400 Bad Request

The request was malformed.

If the watch specified in the request body was malformed, a JSON document containing detailed validation errors will be returned in the response body. See the invalid watch example for details.

403 Forbidden

The user does not have the permission to create watches for the currently selected tenant.

415 Unsupported Media Type

The watch was not encoded as JSON document. Watches need to be sent using the media type application/json.


For being able to access the endpoint, the user needs to have the privilege cluster:admin:searchguard:tenant:signals:watch/put for the currently selected tenant.

This permission is included in the following built-in action groups:




PUT /_signals/watch/_main/bad_weather
  "trigger": {
    "schedule": {
      "cron": "0 */1 * * * ?"
  "checks": [
      "type": "search",
      "name": "bad_weather_flights",
      "target": "bad_weather_flights",
      "request": {
        "indices": [
        "body": {
          "query": {
            "bool": {
              "must": [
                  "query_string": {
                    "default_field": "DestWeather",
                    "query": "*hunder* OR *ightning*"
                  "range": {
                    "timestamp": {
                      "gte": "now-4h",
                      "lte": "now"
      "type": "condition.script",
      "source": "data.bad_weather_flights.hits.hits.length > 10"
  "actions": [
                "type": "email",
                "name": "email",
                "throttle_period": "1h",
                "account": "default_mail",
                "to": [
                    "[email protected]"
                "subject": "Bad destination weather for {{}} flights over last {{data.constants.window}}!",
                "text_body": "Time: {{_source.timestamp}}\n  Flight Number: {{_source.FlightNum}}\n  Origin: {{_source.OriginAirportID}}\n  Destination: {{_source.DestAirportID}}"


201 Created
    "_id": "_main/bad_weather",
    "_version": 1,
    "result": "created"

Invalid Watch

PUT /_signals/watch/_main/really_bad_weather
  "trigger": {
    "schedule": {
      "cron": "after lunch :-?"
  "checks": [
      "type": "sörch",
      "request": {
        "indices": [
      "type": "condition",
      "source": "data.bad_weather_flights.hits.hits.length > "
  "actions": [
      "type": "email",
      "account": "test",
      "throttle_period": "1h",
      "to": "[email protected]",
      "subject": "Bad destination weather for {{}} flights over last {{data.constants.window}}!",
      "text_body": "Time: {{_source.timestamp}}\n  Flight Number: {{_source.FlightNum}}\n  Origin: {{_source.OriginAirportID}}\n  Destination: {{_source.DestAirportID}}"


400 Bad Request
    "status": 400,
    "error": "Watch is invalid: 5 errors; see detail.",
    "detail": {
        "checks[].source": [
                "error": "unexpected end of script.",
                "context": "... ights.hits.hits.length > \n                             ^---- HERE"
        "actions[].account": [
                "error": "Account does not exist: test"
        "triggers.schedule.cron": [
                "error": "Invalid cron expression: Illegal characters for this position: 'AFT'",
                "value": "after lunch :-?",
                "expected": "Quartz Cron Expression: <Seconds: 0-59|*> <Minutes: 0-59|*> <Hours: 0-23|*> <Day-of-Month: 1-31|?|*> <Month: JAN-DEC|*> <Day-of-Week: SUN-SAT|?|*> <Year: 1970-2199|*>?. Numeric ranges: 1-2; Several distinct values: 1,2; Increments: 0/15"
        "actions[].name": [
                "error": "Required attribute is missing"
        "checks[].type": [
                "error": "Invalid value",
                "value": "sörch",
                "expected": "search|static|http|condition|calc|transform"

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