Version: 7.x-46.0.0
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Accounts Registry


If you want to use e-mail or Slack actions, you have to configure accounts in the accounts registry beforehand.

The purpose of the account registry is to:

  • Make account data reusable thus avoiding configuring the same accounts again and again for each watch.
  • Storing credentials for these accounts safely.
  • Controlling which external resources can be used by watches.

While watches may be configured by a wide range of users, accounts shall be only defined by administrators. Normal users will then be able to use the predefined accounts.

Account Types

E-Mail Accounts

E-mail accounts represent connection data and credentials for SMTP servers.

A typical e-mail account looks like this:

	"host": "",
	"port": 465,
	"user": "signals",
	"password": "secret",
	"enable_tls": true,
	"default_from": "[email protected]",
	"default_bcc": "[email protected]"
Name Description
host The hostname of the SMTP server to connect to. Required.
port The number of the port to connect to. Required.
user The user name used for authentication. Optional.
password The password user for authentication. Optional.
enable_tls If true, the connection is established by TLS.
enable_start_tls If true, the connection is established using STARTTLS.
trusted_hosts Only accept server certificates issued to one of the provided host names, and disables certificate issuer validation. Optional; array of host names. Security warning: Any certificate matching any of the provided host names will be accepted, regardless of the certificate issuer; attackers can abuse this behavior by serving a matching self-signed certificate during a man-in-the-middle attack.
trust_all If true, trust all hosts and don’t validate any SSL keys. Optional.
default_from Defines the from address used in e-mails when an e-mail action does not configure an explicit from address. Optional.
default_to, default_cc, default_bcc Defines the recipient addresses used in e-mails when an e-mail action does not configure an explicit values for the respective recipient types. Optional; array of e-mail addresses
session_timeout Sets the timeout for connecting to and communicating with the SMTP server. Optional; time duration in seconds.
proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_user, proxy_password Allows the specification of a SOCKS proxy to connect to the SMTP server. Optional.
debug If true, protocol data is logged to the Elasticsearch log when mails are sent.

Slack Accounts

Slack accounts represent webhook URIs for sending messages to Slack Apps.

A Slack account looks rather simple:

	"url": ""

The value for the url property must be obtained by creating a Slack App inside Slack. See the Slack docs for details.

PagerDuty Accounts

PagerDuty accounts represent integration keys for PagerDuty services.

A PagerDuty account in Signals looks like this:


The value for integration_key needs to be obtained from PagerDuty. See the PagerDuty documentation for details. You have to create an integration for the Events API v2.

Jira Accounts

Jira accounts represent auth tokens for Jira instances. Jira auth tokens are always accompanied by the login email address of the respective user.

A Jira account in Signals looks like this:

    "url": "",
	"user_name": "[email protected]",
	"auth_token": "...."

The attribute url references the base URL of your Jira instance. The attribute user_name is the login email address of a user. auth_token is an API token obtained from Jira for the user. See the Jira docs for details on obtaining auth tokens.


Accounts may be managed using these REST API endpoints:

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