Search Guard Suite 52.0

Release Date: 2021-07-19

Search Guard Suite 52.0 is a new major release that primarily adds updates for Document Level Security. Additionally, there are two security bug fixes and one breaking change. Please be sure to thoroughly read the sections on the security bug fixes and breaking changes.

The security bug fixes are also made available as patch releases for older versions of Search Guard.

Security Bugfixes

Rule definitions using regular expressions with negation as index patterns

Search Guard allows using any regular expression supported by the Java Runtime Environment as an index pattern in rule definitions. A rule might look like this:

    - index_patterns:
      - "/index_[0-9]+/"
        - READ

The regular expression syntax also supports negation in two variants: negative lookahead and negative character classes. An example with negative lookahead looks like this:

    - index_patterns:
      - "/(?secret_).*/"
        - READ

This pattern is supposed to match all index names that do not start with the prefix secret_.

However, older versions of Search Guard failed to interpret this definition under a specific set of conditions correctly:

  • The option sg_config.dynamic.do_not_fail_on_forbidden in sg_config.yml is in default state or false.
  • The role definitions use an index pattern with negation. This can be either negative lookahead (like /(?!secret_).*/) or a negated character class (like [^x-y].*).
  • A user having such a role does a search request on * (i.e., all indices on the cluster).

In this case, the user is granted access to all indices, even though the negation should restrict access to certain indexes (i.e., the user should not have access to any index starting with secret_).

Search Guard 52.0 and newer versions with do_not_fail_on_forbidden: false fix this issue by explicitly requiring index permissions on * if a user tries to do a search operation on *.


Vulnerability in a component used for OIDC authentication

Search Guard uses Apache CXF for implementing OIDC authentication. Apache CXF versions before 3.3.11 are vulnerable to a denial of service attack due to a bug in JSON parsing. This version of Search Guard updates to an Apache CXF version which fixes this vulnerability.


Breaking Changes

Handling of write privileges in combination with Document- and Field-Level Security

Earlier versions of Search Guard automatically block index update and bulk update operations on indices protected by document- or field-level security (DLS/FLS).

This was, however, never thorough protection against modification of documents protected by DLS/FLS. It was still possible to overwrite documents protected by document-level security by index or delete operations. Also, Elasticsearch maps update operations under certain circumstances to index operations. These were also never blocked by Search Guard.

Thus, the automatic blocking of index update operations gave a wrong impression of protection.

For this reason, Search Guard 52.0 and newer versions will not any longer automatically block update operations.

To enforce that documents protected by DLS/FLS can not be modified please make sure that:

  • Roles which define DLS/FLS restriction for indices never grant any write privileges to these indices
  • Users who have roles with DLS/FLS restrictions for indices must not have other roles which grant write privileges for the same indices

These rules must be manually checked when creating role definitions.

Please make sure to review your role definitions accordingly when upgrading to Search Guard 52.


New Features and Improvements

Support for Term Lookup Queries in Document Level Security

Term Lookup Queries (TLQ) allow you to retrieve values from one document and use these values for a term query on a different index. This can be useful in document-level security where administrators can then have a separate index that defines which users have access to which documents.

Search Guard 52 allows you to use term lookup queries in document-level security queries. For example, you can define a role like this:

    - '*'
    - index_patterns:
      - "restricted_index"
        - '*'
      dls: |
                   "terms": {
                     "allow_access_for_codes": {
                       "index": "users",
                       "id": "${}",
                       "path": "codes"

This role definition restricts access to documents in restricted_index. For each access attempt to restricted_index the users index is queried in addition. The query looks for a document with an id that is equal to the user name of the currently logged-in user. If a document matches, the values in thecodes field are extracted. These values are then used as terms for the column allow_access_for_codes in restricted_index.

Note: Supporting this kind of DLS query requires a new method of enforcing DLS. Search Guard supports two ways: The already available mode (internally called lucene_level) and the new mode with support for term lookup queries (internally called filter_level). Search Guard continues to use thelucene_level mode as default, as it provides the best performance and has fewer restrictions. If Search Guard detects access to an index protected by a term lookup DLS query, it will automatically switch to the new filter_level.

Note: It is not necessary to grant additional privileges to the index used inside the term lookup query (in the example, the users index). Search Guard will automatically allow access for term lookup queries on such indices. Direct access to these indices is, however, not possible with such role definitions.

Restrictions: Users using term lookup queries for DLS should be aware that there are some restrictions on accessing these indexes:

  • Only a limited set of read operations is available for term lookup queries. These are: get, search, mget, msearch.
  • Cross Cluster Search (CCS) with TLQ protected indices on the remote cluster is not completely supported. It works for searches using minimize_round_trips=true. However, it does not work for cases where this mode is unavailable, such as scrolling or point-in-time searches.


JWT and OIDC: Proper support for subject_path queries which return arrays

In earlier versions of Search Guard, subject_path queries that return arrays result in a subject (i.e., user name) in square brackets. This is usually not the desired result. Instead, the authenticators supporting subject_path now do the following if they encounter an array after applying the JSON path:

  • Check if the array is of size 1. If so, use the single element as the subject.
  • If the array is of any other size, authentication will fail.
