Version: 7.x-41.0.0
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Tenants API

Used to receive, create, update and delete tenants.



Where tenantname is the name of the tenant.


Get a single tenant

GET /_searchguard/api/tenant/{tenantma,e}

Returns the settings for the respective tenant in JSON format, for example:

GET /_searchguard/api/tenants/human_resources
  "human_resources" : {
    "reserved" : false,
    "hidden" : false,
    "static" : false,
    "description" : "The human resources tenant"

Get all tenants

GET /_searchguard/api/tenants/

Returns all tenants in JSON format.


DELETE /_searchguard/api/tenants/{tenantname}

Deletes the tenant specified by tenantname . If successful, the call returns with status code 200 and a JSON success message.

DELETE /_searchguard/api/tenants/human_resources
  "message":"tenant human_resources deleted."


PUT /_searchguard/api/tenants/{tenantname}

Replaces or creates the tenant specified by tenantname .

PUT /_searchguard/api/tenants/human_resources
  "description": "The human resources tenant."
  "message":"tenant human_resources created"


The PATCH endpoint can be used to change individual attributes of a tenant, or to create, change and delete tenants in a bulk call. The PATCH endpoint expects a payload in JSON Patch format. Search Guard supports the complete JSON patch specification.

JSON patch specification:

Patch a tenant

PATCH /_searchguard/api/tenants/{tenantname}

Adds, deletes or changes one or more attributes of a tenant specified by tenantname.

PATCH /_searchguard/api/tenants/human_resources
    "op": "replace", "path": "/description", "value": "An updated description"

Bulk add, delete and change tenants

PATCH /_searchguard/api/tenants
    "op": "replace", "path": "/human_resources/description", "value": "An updated description" 
    "op": "remove", "path": "/another_tenant"

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