Version: 7.x-53.4.0

Using JSON web tokens for Elasticsearch access control

Token based authentication

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are JSON-based access tokens that assert one or more claims. They are commonly used to implement Single-Sign-On solutions and fall in the category of token based authentication system:

  • A user logs in to an authentication server by providing credentials, e.g. username and password.
  • The authentication server validates the credentials.
  • The authentication server creates an access token and signs it.
  • The authentication server returns the token to the user.
  • The user stores the access token.
  • The user sends the access token along with every request to the service it wants to use.
  • The service verifies the token and grants or denies access.

You can read more about token based authentication in this blog post..

JSON web tokens

A JSON web token is self-contained in the sense that it carries all necessary information to verify a user within itself. The tokens are base64-encoded, signed JSON objects. They are URL safe and can be passed around easily.

A JSON web token consists of three parts:

  • Header
  • Payload
  • Signature

The header contains information about the used signing mechanism, for example:

  "alg": "HS256",
  "typ": "JWT"

In this case, the header states that the message was signed using HMAC-SHA256.


The payload of a JSON web token contains the so-called JWT Claims. A claim can be any piece of information about the user that the application that created the token has verified.

The specification defines a set of standard claims with reserved names (“registered claims”). These include, for example, the token issuer, the expiration date, or the creation date.

Public claims on the other hand can be created freely by the token issuer. They can contain arbitrary information, such as the user name and the roles of the user.


  "iss": "",
  "exp": 1300819380,
  "name": "John Doe",
  "roles": ["admin, "devops"]


The issuer of the token calculates the signature of the token by applying a cryptographic hash function on the base-64 encoded header and payload. These three parts are then concatenated via a . dot. We now have a complete JSON web token:

encoded = base64UrlEncode(header) + "." + base64UrlEncode(payload)
signature = HMACSHA256(encoded, 'secretkey');
jwt = encoded + "." + base64UrlEncode(signature)

For example:


Configuring JWT support in Search Guard

If JWT is the only authentication method you use, you should disable the Search Guard User Cache.

In order to use JWT, set up an authentication domain and choose jwt as HTTP authentication type. Since the tokens already contain all required information to verify the request, challenge must be set to false and authentication_backend to noop.


  http_enabled: true
  order: 0
    type: jwt
    challenge: false
      signing_key: "base64 encoded key"
      jwt_header: "Authorization"
      jwt_url_parameter: null
      <subject_key|subject_path>: null
      <roles_key|roles_path> : null
I    type: noop

Configuration parameter:

Name Description
signing_key The signing key to use when verifying the token. If you use a symmetric key algorithm, it is the base64 encoded shared secret. If you use an asymmetric algorithm it contains the public key.
jwt_header The HTTP header in which the token is transmitted. This is typically the Authorization header with the Bearer schema: Authorization: Bearer <token>. Default is Authorization.
jwt_url_parameter If the token is not transmitted in the HTTP header, but as an URL parameter, define the name of this parameter here.
subject_key The key in the JSON payload that stores the username. If not set, the subject registered claim is used.
subject_path A JSON path expression in the payload that stores the username, for example $["foo"]["user"]["name"] where foo is the claim name
roles_key The key in the JSON payload that stores the user’s roles. The value of this key must be a comma-separated list of roles.
roles_path A JSON path expression to the payload that stores the user’s roles, for example $["foo"]["user"]["roles"] where foo is the claim name
subject_pattern A regular expression that defines the structure of an expected user name. You can use capturing groups to use only a certain part of the subject supplied by the JWT as the Search Guard user name. If the pattern does not match, login will fail. See below for details. Optional, defaults to no pattern.

It is recommend to use the bracket-notation in JSON path expressions in order to avoid ambiguity, for example a key could be called and thus wouldn’t be the same as $["user"]["id"].

Since JSON web tokens are self-contained and the user is authenticated on HTTP level, no additional authentication_backend is needed, hence it can be set to noop.

Using Further Attributes from the JWT Claims

Search Guard allows to use any attribute available in the JWT claims to construct dynamic index patterns and dynamic queries for document and field level security. In order to use these attributes, you need to use the configuration attribute map_claims_to_user_attrs to provide a mapping from JWT claim attributes to Search Guard user attributes inside the LDAP configuration.

As the other JWT configuration, the map_claims_to_user_attrs attribute needs to be placed in the config section of the JWT http_authenticator configuration. As value, you need to provide a map of the form search_guard_user_attribute: json_path_to_jwt_claim_attribute. You can use JSON path expressions to specify what part of the claims you want to extract exactly.

This might look like this:

  http_enabled: true
  order: 0
    type: jwt
    challenge: false
        department: department.number

This adds the attributes department and email_address to the Search Guard user and sets them to the respective values from the JWT claims. The types from the JSON claim structure are preserved, i.e., arrays remain arrays and objects remain objects, etc.

In the Search Guard role configuration, the attributes can be then used like this:

  - index_patterns:
    - "dls_test"
    dls: '{"terms" : {"filter_attr": ${user.attrs.department|toList|toJson}}}'
    - "READ"

Note: Take care that the mapped attributes are of reasonable size. As the attributes need to be internally forwarded over the network for each operation in the Elasticsearch cluster, attributes carrying a big amount of data may cause a performance penalty.

Note: This method of providing attributes supersedes the old way which provided all JWT attributes as Search Guard user attributes with the prefix attr.jwt. These attributes are still supported, but are now deprecated.

Using only certain sections of a JWT subject claim as user name

In some cases, the subject claim in a JWT might be more complex than needed or wanted. For example, a JWT subject claim could be specified as an email address like The subject_pattern option gives you the possibility to only use the local part (i.e., exampleuser) as the user name inside Search Guard.

With subject_pattern you specify a regular expression that defines the structure of an expected user name. You can then use capturing groups (i.e., sections enclosed in round parentheses; (...)) to use only a certain part of the subject supplied by the JWT as the Search Guard user name.

For example:

  http_enabled: true
  order: 0
    type: jwt
    challenge: false
      subject_pattern: "^(.+)@example\.com$"

In this example, (.+) is the capturing group, i.e., at least one character. This group must be followed by the string, which must be present, but will not be part of the resulting user name in Search Guard. If you try to login with a subject that does not match this pattern (e.g. foo@bar), login will fail.

You can use all the pattern features which the Java Pattern class supports. See the official documentation for details.

Keep in mind that all capturing groups are used for constructing the user name. If you need grouping only because you want to apply a pattern quantifier or operator, you should use non-capturing groups: (?:...).

Example for using capturing groups and non-capturing groups:

      subject_pattern: "^(.+)@example\.(?:com|org)$"

In this example, the group around com and org is required to use the alternative operator |. But it must be non-capturing, because otherwise it would show up in the user name.

You can however also use several capturing groups if you want to use these groups for the user name:

      subject_pattern: "^(.+)@example\.com|(.+)@foo\.bar$"

Symmetric key algorithms: HMAC

Hash-Based Message Authentication Codes (HMACs) are a group of algorithms that provide a way of signing messages by means of a shared key. The key is shared between the authentication server and Search Guard. It must be configured as base64-encoded value of the signing_key configuration key:

      signing_key: "bmRSMW00c2pmNUk4Uk9sVVFmUnhjZEhXUk5Hc0V5MWgyV2p1RFE3Zk1wSTE="

Please refer to the documentation of your authentication server on how to obtain it.

While HMACs are simple to use they do not provide guarantees with regards to the creator of the JWT: Anyone who is in possession of the shared key can generate valid JWTs. In case the shared key is lost, all participating systems need to exchange it.

For security reasons, the shared key must be at least 32 characters

Asymmetric key algorithms: RSA and ECDSA

RSA and ECDSA are asymmetric encryption and digital signature algorithms and use a public/private key pair to sign and verify tokens. This means that they use a private key for signing the token, while Search Guard only needs to know the public key to verify it.

Since you cannot issue new tokens with the public key and because you can make valid assumptions about the creator of the token, RSA and ECDSA are considered more secure than using HMAC.

In order to use RS256, you only need to configure the (non-base-64 encoded) public RSA key as signing_key in the JWT configuration like:

      signing_key: |-
        -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
        -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Search Guard will detect the used algorithm (RSA/ECDSA) automatically.

Please make sure that you keep the content of your public key on one line. Depending on the YAML parser, breaking it into newlines may lead to unwanted whitespaces in the key, rendering it unreadable.

Using JWT in HTTP requests: Bearer authentication

The most common way of transmitting a JWT in an HTTP request is to add it as HTTP header field with the Bearer authentication schema.

Bearer authentication (also called token authentication) is an HTTP authentication scheme that involves security tokens called bearer tokens. The name “Bearer authentication” can be understood as “give access to the bearer of this token.”

The bearer token is a cryptic string, usually generated by the server in response to a login request. The client must send this token in the Authorization header when making requests to protected resources (Source:

Authorization: Bearer <JWT>

The default name of the header is Authorization. If required by your authentication server or proxy, you can also use a different HTTP header name by using the jwt_header configuration key.

As with HTTP Basic authentication, you should use HTTPS instead of HTTP when transmitting JWTs in HTTP requests.

Using JWT in HTTP requests: URL parameter

While the most common way to transmit JWTs in HTTP requests is to use a header field, Search Guard also supports JWTs transmitted as GET parameter. To do so, configure the name of the GET parameter by using the following key:

      signing_key: ...
      jwt_url_parameter: "parameter_name"
      subject_key: ...
      roles_key: ...

As with HTTP Basic authentication, you should use HTTPS instead of HTTP when transmitting JWTs in HTTP requests.

Validated registered claims

The following registered claims are validated automatically:

  • “iat” (Issued At) Claim
  • “nbf” (Not Before) Claim
  • “exp” (Expiration Time) Claim

Supported formats and algorithms

Search Guard supports digitally signed compact JWTs with all standard algorithms:

HS256: HMAC using SHA-256
HS384: HMAC using SHA-384
HS512: HMAC using SHA-512
RS256: RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-256
RS384: RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-384
RS512: RSASSA-PKCS-v1_5 using SHA-512
PS256: RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256
PS384: RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 and MGF1 with SHA-384
PS512: RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 and MGF1 with SHA-512
ES256: ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256
ES384: ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384
ES512: ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512

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