Version: 7.x-37.0.0
This is an older version of Search Guard. Switch to Latest version

Authentication API


Used to retrieve the configured authentication and authorization modules.




GET /_searchguard/api/sg_config

Returns the configured authentication and authorization modules in JSON format.


Since you can break the Search Guard authentication by uploading a faulty configuration, you need to explicitely enable the PUT endpoint by setting searchguard.unsupported.restapi.allow_sgconfig_modification: true in elasticsearch.yml

PUT /_searchguard/api/sg_config/

Replaces or creates the Search Guard authentication and authorisation configuration.

PUT /_searchguard/api/sg_config
	"sg_config": {
		"dynamic": {
			"do_not_fail_on_forbidden": false,
			"kibana": {
				"multitenancy_enabled": true
			"http": {
				"anonymous_auth_enabled": false
			"authc": {
				"basic_internal_auth_domain": {
					"http_enabled": true,
					"transport_enabled": true,
					"order": 4,
					"http_authenticator": {
						"challenge": true,
						"type": "basic",
						"config": {}
					"authentication_backend": {
						"type": "intern",
						"config": {}
					"description": "Authenticate via HTTP Basic against internal users database"


Since you can break the Search Guard authentication by uploading a faulty configuration, you need to explicitely enable the PUT endpoint by setting searchguard.unsupported.restapi.allow_sgconfig_modification: true in elasticsearch.yml

The PATCH endpoint can be used to change individual attributes of the Search Guard configuration. The PATCH endpoint expects a payload in JSON Patch format. Search Guard supports the complete JSON patch specification.

JSON patch specification:

PATCH /_searchguard/api/sg_config/

Adds, deletes or changes one or more attributes of the authentication and authorisation configuratio.

PATCH /_searchguard/api/sg_config/
    "op": "replace", "path": "/sg_config/dynamic/authc/basic_internal_auth_domain/transport_enabled", "value": "false"

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