Version: 6.x-20
This is an older version of Search Guard. Switch to Latest version

Action groups API

Used to receive, create, update and delete action groups.

Note: The actiongroup (singular) endpoint is deprecated in Search Guard 6 and will be removed with Search Guard 7.



Where actiongroup is the name of the role.


Get a single action group

GET /_searchguard/api/actiongroups/{actiongroup}

Returns the settings for the respective action group in JSON format, for example:

GET /_searchguard/api/actiongroups/SEARCH
  "SEARCH" : [ "indices:data/read/search*", "indices:data/read/msearch*", "SUGGEST" ]

Get all action groups

GET /_searchguard/api/actiongroups/

Returns all action groups in JSON format.


DELETE /_searchguard/api/actiongroups/{actiongroup}

Deletes the action group specified by actiongroup . If successful, the call returns with status code 200 and a JSON success message.

DELETE /_searchguard/api/actiongroups/SEARCH
  "message":"actiongroup SEARCH deleted."


PUT /_searchguard/api/actiongroups/{actiongroup}

Replaces or creates the action group specified by actiongroup .

PUT /_searchguard/api/actiongroups/SEARCH
  "permissions": ["indices:data/read/search*", "indices:data/read/msearch*", "SUGGEST" ]

The field permissions is mandatory and contains permissions or references to other action groups.

  "message":"action group SEARCH created"

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