Version: 6.x-20
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Search Guard Helm Charts for Kubernetes

We provide Helm charts for running Search Guard secured Elasticsearch and Kibana instances on a Kubernetes cluster. This charts are considered beta at the moment.


  • Kubernetes 1.10 or later (Minikube and AWS EKS are tested)
  • Helm (tested with Helm v2.11.0)
  • kubectl
  • Optional: Docker, if you like to build and push customized images

If you use Minikube make sure that the VM has enough memory and CPUs assigned. We recommend at least 8 GB and 4 CPUs. By default, we deploy 5 pods (includes also Kibana).

Deploy on AWS (optional)

You need to have the aws cli installed and configured

./examples/ -c mytestcluster

Delete the cluster when you are finished with testing Search Guard

./examples/ -d mytestcluster

Setup Minikube (optional)

If you do not have any running Kubernetes cluster and you just want to try out our helm chart then go with Minikube

If Minikube is not already configured or running:

Install Minikube

Please refer to and


brew install kubectl kubernetes-helm
brew cask install minikube


Install or

curl -Lo minikube && chmod +x minikube && sudo cp minikube /usr/local/bin/ && rm minikube

curl -Lo kubectl$(curl -s && chmod +x kubectl && sudo cp kubectl /usr/local/bin/ && rm kubectl
minikube config set memory 8192
minikube config set cpus 4
minikube delete
minikube start

If Minikube is already configured/running make sure it has least 8 GB and 4 CPUs assigned:

minikube config view

If not then execute the steps above (Warning: minikube delete will delete your Minikube VM).

Deploying with Helm

If the Helm tiller pod is not already running on your cluster

kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
helm init --wait --service-account tiller --upgrade

Deploy via repository

helm repo add sg-helm
helm search "search guard"
helm install --name sg-elk sg-helm/sg-helm --version 6.5.4-24.0-17.0-beta3

Please refer to the Helm Documentation on how to override the chart default settings. See sg-helm/values.yaml for the documented set of settings you can override.

Deploy via GitHub

Optionally read the comments in sg-helm/values.yaml and customize them to suit your needs.

$ git clone
$ helm install search-guard-helm/sg-helm

Accessing Kibana

Check minikube dashboard and wait until all pods are running and green (can take up to 15 minutes)

export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "component=sg-elk-sg-helm,role=kibana" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
echo "Visit and login with admin/admin to use Kibana"
kubectl port-forward --namespace default $POD_NAME 5601:5601

Random passwords and certificates

Passwords for the admin users, the Kibana user, the Kibana server and the Kibana cookie are generated randomly on initial deployment.

They are stored in a secret named passwd-secret. All TLS certificates including a Root CA are also generated randomly. You can find the root ca in a secret named root-ca-secret, the admin certificate in admin-cert-secret and the node certificates in nodes-cert-secret. Whenever a node pod restarts we create a new certificate and remove the old one from nodes-cert-secret.

Modify the configuration

  • The nodes are initially automatically initialized and configured
  • To change the configuration
    • Edit sg-helm/values.yaml and run helm upgrade. The pods will be reconfigured or restarted if necessary
    • or run helm upgrade --values or helm upgrade --set. The pods will be reconfigured or restarted if necessary
  • Alternatively you can exec into the sgadmin pod and run low-level sgadmin commands (experts only):

    WARNING(!): You currently can not update sg_internal_users.yml because of the random passwords. If you do this you may lock yourself out of the cluster.

    $ kubectl exec -it sg-elk-sg-helm-sgadmin-555b5f7df-9sqrm bash
    [root@sg-elk-sg-helm-sgadmin-555b5f7df-9sqrm ~]# /root/sgadmin/tools/ -h $DISCOVERY_SERVICE -si -icl -key /root/sgcerts/key.pem -cert /root/sgcerts/crt.pem -cacert /root/sgcerts/root-ca.pem

    In that case, refer to the documentation of update_sgconfig_on_change in sg-helm/values.yaml so that your changes will not be overridden accidentally.


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