Version: 6.x-22
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Internal Users API

Used to receive, create, update and delete users. Users are added to the internal user database. It only makes sense to use this if you use internal as authentication_backend.



Where username is the name of the user.

Note: The user endpoint is deprecated in Search Guard 6 and will be removed with Search Guard 7.


Get a single user

GET /_searchguard/api/internalusers/{username}

Returns the settings for the respective user in JSON format, for example:

GET /_searchguard/api/internalusers/kirk
  "kirk" : {
    "hash" : "$2a$12$xZOcnwYPYQ3zIadnlQIJ0eNhX1ngwMkTN.oMwkKxoGvDVPn4/6XtO",
    "roles" : [ "captains", "starfleet" ]

Get all users

GET /_searchguard/api/internalusers/

Returns all users in JSON format.


DELETE /_searchguard/api/internalusers/{username}

Deletes the user specified by username. If successful, the call returns with status code 200 and a JSON success message.

DELETE /_searchguard/api/internalusers/kirk
  "message":"user kirk deleted."


PUT /_searchguard/api/internalusers/{username}

Replaces or creates the user specified by username.

PUT /_searchguard/api/user/kirk
  "hash": "$2a$12$xZOcnwYPYQ3zIadnlQIJ0eNhX1ngwMkTN.oMwkKxoGvDVPn4/6XtO",
  "password": "kirk",
  "roles": ["captains", "starfleet"]

You need to specify either hash or password. hash is the hashed user password. You can either use an already hashed password (“hash” field) or provide it in clear text (“password”). (We never store clear text passwords.) In the latter case it is hashed automatically before storing it. If both are specified,hash takes precedence.

roles contains an array of the user’s backend roles. This is optional. If the call is succesful, a JSON structure is returned, indicating whether the user was created or updated.

  "message":"User kirk created"

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