Version: 7.x-53.4.0

Integrating with OpenID providers

Search Guard can integrate with identity providers (IdP) that are compatible with the OpenID standard. This will allow for:

  • Automatic configuration
    • You just need to point Search Guard to the metadata of your IdP, and Search Guard will use that data for configuration
  • Automatic key fetching
    • Search Guard will retrieve the public key for validating the JSON web tokens automatically from the JWKS endpoint of your IdP. There is no need to configure keys or shared secrets in sg_config.yml.
  • Key rollover
    • You can change the keys used for signing the JWTs directly in your IdP. If Search Guard detects an unknown key, it tries to retrieve it from the IdP, transparent to the user.
  • Kibana Single Sign On

Configuring OpenID integration

To integrate with an OpenID IdP, set up an authentication domain and choose openid as HTTP authentication type. Since JSON web tokens already contain all required information to verify the request, challenge can be set to false and authentication_backend to noop.

Minimal configuration:

  http_enabled: true
  transport_enabled: true
  order: 0
    type: openid
    challenge: false
      subject_key: preferred_username
      roles_key: roles
    type: noop

Configuration parameters:

Name Description
openid_connect_url The URL of your IdP where Search Guard can find the OpenID metadata/configuration settings. This URL differs between IdPs, please refer to your IdP configuration. Mandatory.
jwt_header The HTTP header which stores the token. This is typically the Authorization header with the Bearer schema: Authorization: Bearer <token>. Optional. The default is Authorization.
jwt_url_parameter If the token is not transmitted in the HTTP header, but as an URL parameter, define the name of this parameter here. Optional.
subject_key The key in the JSON payload that stores the user’s name. If not defined, the subject registered claim is used. Most IdP providers use the preferred_username claim. Optional.
roles_key The key in the JSON payload that stores the user’s roles. The value of this key must be a comma-separated list of roles. Mandatory only if you want to use roles in the JWT.
subject_pattern A regular expression that defines the structure of an expected user name. You can use capturing groups to use only a certain part of the subject supplied by the JWT as the Search Guard user name. If the pattern does not match, login will fail. See below for details. Optional, defaults to no pattern.
proxy If the IdP is only reachable via an HTTP proxy, you can use the proxy option to define the URI of the proxy. Optional, defaults to no proxy.

OpenID connect URL

OpenID specifies various endpoints for integration purposes. The most important endpoint is the well-known configuration endpoint: It lists endpoints and other configuration options relevant to Search Guard.

The URL differs between IdPs, but it usually ends in /.well-known/openid-configuration. Keycloak example:


The main information that Search Guard needs is the jwks_uri. This URI specifies where the IdP’s public key(s) in JWKS format can be found. Example:

jwks_uri: ""

You can find more information about the endpoint for your IdP here:

Fetching public keys: The key id

When an IdP generates and signs a JSON web token, it must add the id of the key to the header part of the JWT. Example:

  "alg": "RS256",
  "typ": "JWT",
  "kid": "V-diposfUJIk5jDBFi_QRouiVinG5PowskcSWy5EuCo"

As per OpenID specification, the kid (“key id”) is mandatory. Token verification will not work if an IdP fails to add the kid field to the JWT.

If Search Guard receives a JWT with an unknown kid, it will visit the IdP’s jwks_uri and retrieve all currently available valid keys. These keys will be used and cached until a refresh is triggered by retrieving another unknown key id.

Key rollover and multiple public keys

Search Guard is capable of maintaining multiple valid public keys at once. Since the OpenID specification does not allow for a validity period of public keys, a key is deemed valid until it has been removed from the list of valid keys in your IdP, and until the list of valid keys has been refreshed.

If you want to roll over a key in your IdP, it is good practice to:

  • Create a new key pair in your IdP, and give the new key a higher priority than the currently used key
  • Your IdP will use this new key over the old key
  • Upon first appearance of the new kid in a JWT, Search Guard will refresh the key list
    • At this point, both the old key and the new key are valid
    • Tokens signed with the old key are also still valid
  • The old key can be removed from your IdP when the last JWT signed with this key has timed out

If you have to immediately change your public key, because the currently used key has been comprised, you can also delete the old key first and then create a new one. In this case, all JWTs signed with the old key will become invalid immediately.

Using only certain sections of a JWT subject claim as user name

In some cases, the subject claim in a JWT might be more complex than needed or wanted. For example, a JWT subject claim could be specified as an email address like The subject_pattern option gives you the possibility to only use the local part (i.e., exampleuser) as the user name inside Search Guard.

With subject_pattern you specify a regular expression that defines the structure of an expected user name. You can then use capturing groups (i.e., sections enclosed in round parentheses; (...)) to use only a certain part of the subject supplied by the JWT as the Search Guard user name.

For example:

  http_enabled: true
  order: 0
    type: openid
    challenge: false
      subject_pattern: "^(.+)@example\.com$"

In this example, (.+) is the capturing group, i.e., at least one character. This group must be followed by the string, which must be present, but will not be part of the resulting user name in Search Guard. If you try to login with a subject that does not match this pattern (e.g. foo@bar), login will fail.

You can use all the pattern features which the Java Pattern class supports. See the official documentation for details.

Keep in mind that all capturing groups are used for constructing the user name. If you need grouping only because you want to apply a pattern quantifier or operator, you should use non-capturing groups: (?:...).

Example for using capturing groups and non-capturing groups:

      subject_pattern: "^(.+)@example\.(?:com|org)$"

In this example, the group around com and org is required to use the alternative operator |. But it must be non-capturing, because otherwise it would show up in the user name.

You can however also use several capturing groups if you want to use these groups for the user name:

      subject_pattern: "^(.+)@example\.com|(.+)@foo\.bar$"

TLS settings

In order to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and other attack scenarios you should secure the connection between Search Guard and your IdP with TLS.

Enabling TLS

Use the following parameters to enable TLS for connecting to your IdP:

    enable_ssl: <true|false>
    verify_hostnames: <true|false>
Name Description
enable_ssl Whether to use a custom TLS configuration. Defaults to false which indicates that the certificate specified in the configuration searchguard.ssl.transport.pemtrustedcas_filepath is used.
verify_hostnames Whether to verify the hostnames of the IdP’s TLS certificate or not. Default: true

Certificate validation

To validate the TLS certificate of your IdP, configure either the path to the IdP’s root CA or the root certificates content like:

    enable_ssl: true
    pemtrustedcas_filepath: /path/to/trusted_cas.pem


    enable_ssl: true
    pemtrustedcas_content: |-
Name Description
pemtrustedcas_filepath Absolute path to the PEM file containing the root CA(s) of your IdP
pemtrustedcas_content The root CA content of your IdP. Cannot be used when pemtrustedcas_filepath is set.

TLS client authentication

To use TLS client authentication, configure the PEM certificate and private key Search Guard should send for TLS client authentication, or its contents like:

    enable_ssl: true
    pemkey_filepath: /path/to/private.key.pem
    pemkey_password: private_key_password
    pemcert_filepath: /path/to/certificate.pem


    enable_ssl: true
    pemkey_content: |-
    pemkey_password: private_key_password
    pemcert_content: |-
Name Description
enable_ssl_client_auth Whether to send the client certificate to the IdP server or not. Default: false
pemcert_filepath Absolute path to the the client certificate.
pemcert_content The content of the client certificate. Cannot be used when pemcert_filepath is set.
pemkey_filepath Absolute path to the file containing the private key of the client certificate.
pemkey_content The content of the private key of your client certificate. Cannot be used when pemkey_filepath is set.
pemkey_password The password of your private key, if any.

Enabled ciphers and protocols

You can limit the allowed ciphers and TLS protocols by using the following keys:

Name Description
enabled_ssl_ciphers Array, enabled TLS cipher suites. Only Java format is supported.
enabled_ssl_protocols Array, enabled TLS protocols. Only Java format is supported.

Expert: DOS protection

In theory it is possible to DOS attack an OpenID based infrastructure by sending tokens with randomly generated, non-existing key ids at a high frequency. In order to mitigate this, Search Guard will only allow a maximum number of new key ids in a certain time frame. If more unknown key ids are receievd, Search Guard will return a HTTP status code 503 (Service not available) and refuse to query the IdP. By defaut, Search Guard does not allow for more than 10 unknown key ids in a time window of 10 seconds. You can control these settings by the following configuration keys:

Name Description
refresh_rate_limit_count The maximum number of unknown key ids in the time window. Default: 10
refresh_rate_limit_time_window_ms The time window to use when checking the maximum number of unknown key ids, in milliseconds. Default: 10000

Kibana Single Sign On

The Kibana Plugin has OpenID support built in since version 14. Please refer to the Kibana OpenID configuration for details.

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