Version: 7.x-48.0.0

Kibana OpenID Connect Authentication

Activate OpenID Connect by adding the following to kibana.yml:

searchguard.auth.type: "openid"


OpenID providers usually publish their configuration in JSON format under the metadata url. Therefore most settings can be pulled in automatically, so the Kibana configuration becomes minimal.

The most important settings are:

Metadata Connect URL

The metadata URL, sometimes also called connect URL or discovery URL, is the URL under which your IdP published its metadata. This URL varies from IdP to IdP. For example, Keycloak uses:

While Auth0 uses:


Please consult the documentation of your IdP for details.

Client ID

Every IdP can host multiple clients (sometimes also called applications) with different settings and authentication protocols. When enabling OpenID, you usually create a new client for Kibana in your IdP. The client id uniquely identifies this client.

Client secret

Besides the ID, each client also has a client secret assigned. This is usually generated when the client is created. It adds an extra layer of security: An application can only obtain an identity token when it provides the client secret. You should find this secret in the settings of the client on your IdP.

Configuration parameters

Name Description
searchguard.openid.connect_url The URL where the IdP publishes the OpenID metadata. Mandatory.
searchguard.openid.client_id The ID of the OpenID client configured in your IdP. Mandatory.
searchguard.openid.client_secret The client secret of the OpenID client configured in your IdP. Mandatory.
searchguard.openid.scope The scope of the identity token issued by the IdP. Option. Default: ‘openid profile email address phone’.
searchguard.openid.header HTTP header name of the JWT token. Optional. Default: ‘Authorization’
searchguard.openid.base_redirect_url The URL where the IdP redirects to after successful authentication. Optional. If not set, the, server.port and server.basepath from kibana.yml are used.
searchguard.openid.logout_url The logout URL of your IdP. Optional. Only necessary if your IdP does not publish the logout URL in its metadata.

TLS Settings

Name Description
searchguard.openid.root_ca Path to the root CA of your IdP
searchguard.openid.verify_hostnames Whether to very the hostname of the IdP certificate. Default: true

Configuration example


# Enable OpenID authentication
searchguard.auth.type: "openid"

# the IdP metadata endpoint
searchguard.openid.connect_url: ""

# the ID of the OpenID Connect client in your IdP
searchguard.openid.client_id: "kibana-sso"

# the client secret of the OpenID Connect client
searchguard.openid.client_secret: "a59c51f5-f052-4740-a3b0-e14ba355b520"

# optional: the scope of the identity token
# default: 'openid profile email address phone'
searchguard.openid.scope: "profile email"

# optional: the HTTP header name of the JWT. Default: 'Authorization'
searchguard.openid.header: "Authorization"

# optional: the logout URL of your IdP
# Only necessary if your IdP does not publish the logout url
# in the metadata
searchguard.openid.logout_url: ""

# Use HTTPS instead of HTTP
elasticsearch.hosts: "https://<hostname>.com:<http port>"

# Configure the Kibana internal server user
elasticsearch.username: "kibanaserver"
elasticsearch.password: "kibanaserver"

# Disable SSL verification when using self-signed demo certificates
elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: none

# Whitelist basic headers and multi tenancy header
elasticsearch.requestHeadersWhitelist: ["Authorization", "sgtenant"]

Elasticsearch configuration

Since Kibana requires that the internal Kibana server user can authenticate via HTTP Basic Authentication, you need to configure two authentication domains. For OpenID Connect, the HTTP Basic domain has to be placed first in the chain. Make sure you set the challenge flag to false.


  enabled: true
  order: 0
    type: basic
    challenge: false
    type: internal
  enabled: true
  order: 1
    type: openid
    challenge: false
      subject_key: preferred_username
      roles_key: roles
    type: noop

For a more detailed description of the Elasticsearch configuration please see Elasticsearch OpenID configuration.

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