Version: SG FLX

Configuring the Internal Users Database

Search Guard ships with an internal user database. You can use this user database if you do not have any external authentication system like LDAP or Active Directory in place. Users, their hashed passwords and roles are stored in the internal Search Guard configuration index on your cluster.

You can use sgctl or the Search Guard configuration GUI for adding users to the internal users database. You can also directly edit the file sg_internal_users.yml and upload it as a whole with sgctl.

Note: You should prefer to use sgctl or the Search Guard configuration GUI. If you choose to directly edit sg_internal_users.yml, keep in mind that you might overwrite changes if you work on an old copy. Thus, before modifying sg_internal_users.yml, be sure to get an up-to-date version of the file from the cluster.

Initial sg_authc.yml configuration

If you are using the internal users database for the first time, you need to make sure that it is configured in sg_authc.yml.

The minimal sg_authc.yml configuration for using Search Guard with the internal users database looks like this:

- type: basic/internal_users_db

For basic use, no further configuration is necessary. Users authenticated via the internal users database automatically have the roles that are associated with them in the database (both backend roles and Search Guard roles).

Attribute mapping

If you want to use user-attribute-based authorization, you have to define an attribute mapping. This mapping maps the attributes stored in the internal user database to the attributes the logged-in user will have. Suppose users in the internal user database are defined like this:

    manager: "layne.burton"
      name: "operations"
      number: 52

The internal_users_db makes the attributes available for mapping below the key user_entry.attributes. Thus, you can map the attribute department.number like this:

- type: basic/internal_users_db
    dept_no: user_entry.attributes.department.number


You can find a template in <ES installation directory>/plugins/search-guard-flx/sgconfig/sg_internal_users.yml


  hash: <hashed password>
    - <rolename>
    - <rolename>
    - <backend rolename>
    - <backend rolename>
    key: value
    key: value
  description: <String>


Name Description
username The name of the user. Can be used to map the user to Search Guard roles.
password The BCrypt hash of the user’s password.
search_guard_roles The Search Guard roles. this user is assigned to.
backend_roles The backend roles of the user. Backend roles can be used to group users and them map the groups to Search Guard roles. This provides more flexibility than using Search Guard roles directly, but introduces a level on indirection.
attributes Any additional attributes of the user. Can be used for variable substitution in index names and DLS queries. You can also use arrays and nested objects here.
description A description of the user. Optional.


  hash: $2a$12$7QIoVBGdO41qSCNoecU3L.yyXb9vGrCvEtVlpnC4oWLt/q0AsAN52
    - kibanauser
    - humanresources_department
    manager: "layne.burton"
    departmentName: "operations"
  description: "A user from the Ops department"
  - hash: ...

Using sgctl to directly add new users

You can use sgctl to modify the internal users database if your cluster is already running and you have connected sgctl to the cluster. See the general sgctl docs for more on this.

Adding users

In order to add a new user to the internal users database, you can use the following command:

$ ./ add-user user_name --sg-roles sg_role1,sg_role2 --password

This will prompt you to enter a password. Then, a user with the name user_name and the Search Guard roles sg_role1 and sg_role2 is created. Instead of --sg-roles, you can also use the shortcut -r.

You can also specify a comma separated list of backend roles using the option --backend-roles.

You can define attributes using the option --attributes (or -a:

$ ./ add-user user_name --sg-roles sg_role1,sg_role2 -a a=1,b.c.d=3,e=foo --password

Editing users

To edit existing users, use the update-user command. The options are similar to the add-user command:

$ ./ update-user user_name --sg-roles sg_role3 

This adds the role sg_role3 to the existing Search Guard roles. Likewise, the option --backend-roles adds new roles to the existing backend roles. To remove existing roles, use the options --remove-sg-roles and --remove-backend-roles.

To change the password of a user, use this:

$ ./ update-user user_name --password 

Deleting users

To delete users, use the delete-user command:

$ ./ delete-user user_name 

Directly modifying sg_internal_users.yml

Directly modifying the sg_internal_users.yml file can be useful for initial configuration or when generating the configuration using scripts.

You have two choices:

  • You edit the sg_internal_users.yml file manually. This requires you to calculate the BCrypt hash of the user password. You can use any offline or online tool that is able to produce BCrypt hashes.
  • You use the sgctl add-user-local command to modify an sg_internal_users.yml file and have the BCrypt hash automatically generated. The add-user-local command uses the same options as the the add-user command described above.

In order to add the user jdoe to the file at /path/to/a/local/sg_internal_users.yml, use this command:

$ ./ add-user-local jdoe --backend-roles hr_department --password -o /path/to/a/local/sg_internal_users.yml

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